Community Offerings


GROW: A Retreat for Families Welcoming a Sibling

investment: $315

GROW is a holistic approach to welcoming a new baby into your family using developmental appropriate preparation and transitional tools that support YOU and your children as your family is growing.

This adults-only retreat is a wonderful way to reconnect with your partner around this pregnancy and gives you the opportunity to connect with growing families while learning about topics that are the most relevant for you during this time. Through hands-on exercises, journaling prompts, and facilitated discussions, this lively day out promises to be fun and informative. Your enrollment includes lunch & snacks, a helpful workbook to keep track of the knowledge you gain, and a sampling of one of our hand-mixed teas. See below for the option to book a private class if the group dates offered do not work for you or you prefer a one-on-one option!

Topics include:

  • Age-appropriate strategies to help older siblings adjust, 

  • Techniques to troubleshoot behavioral regressions,

  • Ideas on supporting yourself and your child(ren) on the day of birth,

  • Ways to foster a resilient partnership as your family grows, 

  • Knowledge refreshers on labor coping & comfort measures, postpartum care, newborn care, and lactation,

  • Tips on how to organize and make space for the new baby.

Group Retreat Host: Hatch Midwifery

Date and time: Saturday June 15th, 2024. 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM PDT


as a one-on-one experience!


Please contact me to arrange an opportunity to deep dive into sibling + birth preparation. We will take a deep dive into the individual needs of your family.

This 1-1 offering last about 3 hours in you home and includes:

  • An individualized curriculum including:

    • hands-on exercises,

    • journaling prompts,

    • & a facilitated discussion tailored to your family.

  • A personal workbook to keep track of the knowledge you gain

  • and a sampling of one of our hand-mixed nourishing teas